Wednesday, October 28, 2009


It's been a while. I've had my head down focusing on getting the foundations put in place for our simple church network (TWO 14 NETWORK). This has involved a job search, recruiting, tons of relational connections and some training. Now things are starting to catch some traction.

On the job front, I'm selling health insurance for a company that caters to self employed people. We offer customized packages at great prices. Looks like an excellent fit in that it is a relational job with flexibility. My boss is an awesome guy that knows what he's doing. This job is a huge answer to prayer.

Concerning the network, we have 5 couples meeting in our home on Sunday nights. They are praying about making the cut over to pure simple church with the goal of identifying and reaching their sphere of influence. Church plants will happen out of that effort. God has brought together a great core team of folks who have enough discontent with the status quo, vision and gusto to launch out into something new. One couple is already gathering people for our first plant outside of our original group. It seems like every week I meet another potential simple church planter. Very exciting times!

Missionally, we are meeting neighbors, and combining intentional efforts with spontaneous encounters to move relationships toward Jesus. This is a long term investment and is somewhat slow going. Nevertheless, we're here for the long haul. Jesus incarnated the gospel and so should we. Many in our group are helping another couple in the group with their Halloween festival this Thursday night in their apartment complex. They've got games, inflatables, prizes and all kinds of cool stuff going on. The Popes are throwing a "hallowiener" is this Sat night. We're passing out the best candy, free hot dogs, bottled water and projecting the Wii on the garage door for people to play. This is an exposure event designed to turn strangers into acquaintances.

So, for now, we're getting ready to transition the Sunday night meeting into a neighborhood church, launch another church, getting all the legal stuff setup (tax stuff), working on a website, and most importantly, reaching out to others.

Some have asked about my job situation wondering if I will ultimately be paid by the church/network. The answer is no. During the first 6-12 months I am receiving some supplementary funds from a couple of churches and a few individuals to help bridge the gap until my insurance business gets traction. However, this is not permanent, nor will the network pay any of our missionary planter/pastors. Having unpaid pastor/planters is an integral part of our strategy to be authentic with people who don't know Jesus. I know first hand that payment for ministry can actually be a HUGE roadblock for people who are suspicious about the gospel. Therefore, I need a job for credibility with them as well as with those who I am expecting to lead these new churches.

I want to say a big "THANK YOU" to all of you who've prayed for us and given out of your generosity! The provision and obscene grace that God has given us is astounding. Shayla and I revel how God has shown up for us in the last two months. Please continue to pray for us -that God will be glorified in the faithfulness of his people and for effective ministry.

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