Now to the other side of the issue...
There do seem to be a ton of addictions these days and technology and the gadgets it provides are not immune to humanity's idolatry. Computers, gaming consoles, PDA/cell phones and the proliferation of social networking provide plenty of modern day virtual temples of worship complete w/ priests, disciples and protocol.
Back to addictions... It's interesting how some addictions are more or less acceptable. Now this is not without reason as some addictions are more damaging and public than others. Perpetually smoking crack might kill you or land you in jail while constant "tweeting" on will only make you unproductive and sound like an idiot. Nevertheless, it seems part of the human condition to be obsessive about people, things, and/or ideas.
What does this have to do w/ God? The Apostle Paul instructed the followers of Jesus in Ephesus to not be drunk with wine but instead to be filled with the Spirit (of God). Paul is contrasting being controlled by a lifestyle of drunkenness with life being controlled by Spirit of the living God. The point here is that any addiction, whether it be alcohol, crack, technology, ideology, philosophy, a relationship, another person, etc., is something that the Spirit wants to not only to infiltrate and ultimately overcome; the Spirit wants to totally consume us. We should consider it a grand opportunity to be released from our bondage to anything less that what is ultimate, more real and fantastically satisfying. If that means going through "the hardest 30 days or your life," it's worth it. Count me in.
What the Book of Revelation Really Says (Excerpt from the New Book)
Welcome to another Thursday UNFILTERED blog post, the only blog that wants
you to know that last week the pastor preached about “getting used to
change,” s...
5 days ago